Thursday 24 July 2008

Liver and Bacon

You maybe put off this one by memories of thick, rubbery slabs of meat, force fed to you as a child. However, when fresh liver is sliced thinly and cooked quickly in butter, served with crispy bacon and its own tasty juices, its truly delicious. I urge you to try it. Plus of course it’s very economical! This version is based on my bible, Mrs Beaton’s Every-day Cooking.

Ingredients: 1lb of liver (I like lambs for this recipe) Half a lb of bacon cut into small pieces, flour, salt and pepper.

Method: put the liver into a basin and cover with boiling water, leave it there for 10 mins. Then drain, dry well and cut into thin slices. Season with 1tbs of flour and 1tsp of salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Dip the liver into the mixture. Heat the frying pan, fry the bacon, then remove to a hot dish until required. Fry the liver in the fat of the bacon, but quickly so that its browned on both sides but not over cooked. Transfer to a hot dish. Sprinkle in about a tbs of flour, let it brown, then add about half a pint of water, stir until it boils, thickens and reduces, then strain over the liver. Arrange the bacon on the top and serve hot.

Oh and liver is a fantastic source of Iron, Vitamin A, (essential for healthy skin and eyes) Vitamin B2 (promotes good health and is necessary for maintaining good vision, nails, skin and hair) Vitamin B3 (improves cirulation and reduces high blood pressure) and B12 (prevents anaemia) and of Vitamin D…

Today’s illustration is a monoprint ‘sheep’ © Lois Blackburn. Please visit for more images.

1 comment:

fredblog said...

Before I went pescetarian I loved liver, in fact all offal - heart, tongue, kidneys - there was a great cheap Italian restaurant near where I worked in Clerkenwell called Boggis that did thin grilled liver with a fried egg on top, with chips! Gorgeous! After I gave up eating meat, I used to have liver dreams!